Safe Baby Blog
C-Sections Pros & Cons Replay Featured on Blog Talk Radio
My replay on Blog Talk Radio has been featured on January Jones’ Page! You can watch it here now… C-Sections Pros & Cons! SAVE the Babies: Dr. Mark Zakowski shares How to Avoid, Prepare For & Recover From C-Sections Hear more of my interviews at: Interviews with Dr. Mark Zakowski Click here to view the replay on Blog Talk...
read moreSpinal Anesthesia Risks
In this Quick Tip, Dr. Mark shares about Spinal Anesthesia Risks, so expectant mothers can begin to become more well-informed as they plan for their deliveries.
read moreRisks of Getting an Epidural
Dr. Mark shares the risks of getting an epidural to help ease expectant mom's concerns. He shares the usual risks, as well as the rare ones.
read moreWhat is Spinal Anesthesia?
If you ever wondered exactly what spinal anesthesia was, watch this Quick Tip by Dr. Mark. He briefly explains spinal anesthesia as it pertains to expectant mothers.
read moreRisks of General Anesthesia
In this QuickTip, Dr. Mark explains the risks of general anesthesia use during labor and delivery.
read moreSpinal or Epidural Anesthesia
In this QuickTip, Dr. Mark shares his thoughts about the similarities between spinal anesthesia and epidurals. If you ever wondered whether you should choose spinal or epidural anesthesia, then watch carefully.
read moreWhat is an Epidural?
Dr. Mark answers the question "What is an epidural" in this short video Quick Tip.
read moreReducing the Risks of Epidurals
Dr. Mark shares his tips for reducing the risks of epidurals during your labor and delivery.
read moreWhat You Can Expect to Feel During a C-Section
In this video, Dr. Mark Zakowski explains what you can expect to feel during a c-section, after a spinal or epidural is given. He also shares with you how the hospital staff will monitor you and your baby's health during this time.
read moreThe Importance of IV Therapy
Many women in labor have additional discomfort from their IV, or Intravenous. In this video, Dr. Mark Zakowski shares with you the answers to many IV therapy questions, including: What is an IV?; Why do I need an IV?; and What are the best locations for my IV?
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